Pottery Classes

in Rochester, NY

Wheel & Slab is proud to offer a variety of pottery courses to community members in Rochester, NY and surrounding area.

Check out our class listing belwo for all available options, or join our waitlist to receive advanced notice when our wheel throwing and handbuilding courses are listed.

We have options for all skill-levels, so don’t wait, register or class or reach out for more information today!

Pottery Classes in Rochester, NY

Below is a list of pottery classes open for signups. Our intro course is great for beginners, while our skillbuilding course is perfect for individuals looking for more of a challenge. Our courses rotate by semester and season. So keep an eye out for other options and workshops, or join our newsletter to get updates.

Intro to Pottery Course

Monday Night

Skill Building Course

Tuesday Night

Intro to Pottery Course

Wednesday Night

Intro to Pottery Course

Saturday Morning

We make learning how-to make pottery fun and stress free.

We approached teaching how to work with clay differently. Our courses are built to provide you not only the know-how, but the why behind the techniques and skills you’ll learn. We also build in time for group activities, and encourage plenty of social interaction and fun. Learning how to make pottery shouldn’t be stressful, make friends, learn about art, and make cool stuff at the Wheel and Slab Pottery club. Hit the link below to see a list of all classes and special workshops!

Avery the Studio Dog

Pottery Skill Building Course

Our intro to building clay forms course was created to help students learn the ins and outs of making different forms. Great for intermediate and advanced students, but also accessible to beginners, learn to create big clay pots, enhance your ceramic forms, make lids, and master surface decoration.

Signup for class today, and start making teapots, moon jars, planters, pitchers, vases and more! Please contact us questions about the syllabus or if this course is right for you.

Open to All Skill Levels

Need more reasons to learn ceramics?

  • Our classes are structured to create a fun, learning environment, where social interaction is encouraged and part of the learning process. Join up, start learning, and make friends while you are at it!

  • New to clay? Interested in all it has to offer? Our classes are designed by experienced pottery teachers. Teachers who want to help you learn, push your boundaries, and have fun. Stretch yourself, laugh, and make some beautiful pieces of artwork.

  • A class is a great way to make time for yourself. It can be easy to get lost in the daily grind. But with our social club and class options pottery can be a creative outlet, and a way to treat yourself.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
— Chinese Proverb

Sample Intro to Pottery Course Syllabus

What Sets Our Classes Apart?

  • We believe our classes should have different ways of engaging your interests. So we work hard to create a syllabus and offerings that are unique, fun, and capable of challenging all skill levels.

    Our class sessions include some historical background, examples of great work, one-of-a-kind challenges, and more.

  • We believe learning should be engaging, and that individuals learn in different ways. That’s why we work to include unique challenges, and visual learning aids into our instruction.

    Our challenges and handouts will help you learn, push your boundaries, and create some memorable moments.

  • We founded our club and studio on the idea that clay should be fun and stress-free. Our classes are no different.

    We ask that our class and club members are respectful of the space, one another, and each others learning experiences.

    While we will provide demos, handouts, and unique challenges. We want any student or club member for that matter, to enjoy the experience and find a sense of relief from the daily work life.


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Not sure if club or class is best for you? Let’s Talk!

If you are in Rochester, NY, and interested in clay, we want to meet you! With structured classes, and work at your own pace club nights, we have options for everyone!